Welcome to Fort McMurray Minor Baseball Association, we look forward to having your ballplayer play with our Association this year where we hope they will develop a life-long love for baseball.

RAMP Interactive Registrations is a tool that is designed to streamline the registration process. In order to register participant(s) you must create an account.  Please take a few moments to read this important registration information to make this process as seamless as possible.



2025 Spring Season 


Birth Year

Registration Fee

Volunteer Deposit

Uniform Deposit

Rep Tryout Fee

Challenger Baseball





Double "P" (BLAST BALL)





T-ball (Rally Cap)






Coach Pitch (Rally Cap)






9U - Rookie






11U - Mosquito







13U - Peewee






15U - Bantam






18U - Midget






2025 Spring Registration Dates and Procedures:

  • All registrations paid after April 1, 2025 will be subject to a $75 late fee.
  • $25.00 NSF Fee will be charged for all returned cheques.
  • FMMBA is not responsible for any injury suffered while involved in this program.
  • Included in the registration each player will receive hat, pants, and belts to keep and jersey that they will be require to return at the end of season.
  • Jersey deposit for $75 is required for all levels , and must be provided to FMMBA before a uniform will be issued. 
  • Volunteer deposit of $300 is required, once 5 hr volunteer commitment per child is completed your check will be reimbursed.  Volunteer deposit for $300 is required for all levels and must be provided to FMMBA before season starts. Click link to take you to sign up genius - Fort McMurray Minor Baseball: 2025 SPRING BASEBALL VOLUNTEERS
  • If registering 3 or more family members, please contact the Registrar prior to payment.
  • Only for Tball, Coach Pitch and 9U Divisions - If you would like to pair your child with a friend so that they will play on the same team, please read the guidelines below:
    • Each player is only allowed one request.
    • The pairing request must be mutual - both players must request the other player. 
    • The pairing request must be made during the time of registration. 
    • Enter the player you wish to be paired with during the registration process under pairing request. Player requests are not guaranteed and must be on both registration forms.
    • Players are not able to request a specific coach.
  • Parent participation is an essential component of our program. Without volunteer help, programs/events and teams may be reduced and/or cut, please ensure to indicate where you can help out.
  • Players are required to have a baseball glove, running shoes or cleats, baseball helmet.
  • Inability to pay registration fees need not prevent any child from participating. For further information please contact FMMBA's Registrar
  • Spring ball runs on or around beginning of May to end of June.
  • Allocation of diamonds has not been determined yet but FMMBA is hoping to be able to schedule each division on the following nights:
    • Challenger Baseball - Monday evenings at Ross Hennigar Park 
    • Double P - Monday or Thursday nights 5:30 to 6:15pm
    • T Ball and Coach Pitch - Monday and Wednesday nights 6:15 to 7:30pm
    • 9U - Tuesday and Thursday nights 6:30 to 8:00pm
    • 11U/13U/15U play games 2 nights a week and practice one night a week. 

Double "P" - In an effort to introduce players to basic fundamentals while encouraging parent involvement in coaching, based on positive feedback from last year FMMBA is introducing a division for 4 year old players (players born in 2021). These players would be divided into 2 groups and have one session a week, either on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday running 5:30 to 6:15 at Ron Morgan Park. These sessions would be facilitated by FMMBA coaches and there would be an expectation that during all sessions every 4 year old player must be accompanied on the field by a parent or guardian. The hope is that as these young players begin to learn the game, and the parents would also learn basic fundaments and be more comfortable with coaching in later years.

Our refund policy is as follows:
Player withdrawals AFTER registration for ALL categories & divisions are as follows:
For Regular Season House League:
  1. Withdrawal PRIOR to placement on a team - 75% refund
  2. Withdrawal AFTER placement on team and prior to start of season - 50% refund
  3. Withdrawal AFTER Start of Season May 5th - NO refund


3 Easy Steps to Register:

Step 1 - Setup your Login Account as a Main Contact 

Step 2 - Setup your Family Member(s) in your Profile

Step 3 - Register your Family Member(s) into the Various Programs

Financial Aid

For families in need of financial aid, there is help available.  Please check out the following organizations for more information:

If you are eligible for financial aid please register online and select the financial aid you have applied to. If you have any questions please email inquiries@fmmba.ca




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RAMP Official Assigning

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RAMP Websites

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RAMP Team App

Keep your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans connected, seamlessly.

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