Player Evaluations:
Player Evaluations are conducted in early spring under the directions of the FMMBA House League Committee. These evaluations are based upon the player’s age category and direct observations of demonstrate skill. The primary purpose of these evaluations is to attempt to provide balance in the selection of House League teams, so that no one team is too strong or too weak. A related issue is that of safety, the evaluations can provide an opportunity to determine if a given player’s skill level (such as throwing speed) is such that having them play at a slightly higher age level would be in their best interest and the best interest of the other players. This is more typical at the younger age levels.
League Play:
All House League teams participate in summer league play that runs from the beginning of May to the end of June, with the possibility for those interested starting back later in the Fall. Games and practices run two to three times a week.
- Tball and Coach Pitch play Monday and Wednesday,
- Rookie plays Tuesday and Thursday
- Mosquito/Peewee/Bantam are twice a week not set days.
There is also a Mid Season Tournament and Year End Tournament to determine season champions.
Required Equipment:
Each male player is responsible for their own Athletic Support (Jock Strap) c/w cup. Each female player is responsible for their own Jill Strap. These are mandatory items for player’s safety.
Each player is responsible for their own Baseball Glove. Is suggested to write your name and phone number on the glove.
Each player is responsible for their own pair of runners or plastic/rubber baseball cleats.
Each player is responsible for their own properly fitted NSA approved batting helmet with strap. Suggested to have the players name identified somewhere on the helmet.
House League Evaluation Times:
The categories are based on the first letter of your last name, and all sessions are at MacIsland, you can check in in front of the first Field house.